感謝您透過線上與線下實體的方式,參與今年的台灣人智學研討會,隨著開幕式由校友靜婕、學弟榛詳和昌倫老師揭開了基石之歌的序幕,意味著世代間的傳承。隨著合唱歌聲與伴奏,我們共同回顧歷年問心台灣歌曲組曲,勾起年年聚首時共創的回憶,歷歷在目。接著在人智醫學社群、華德福教育社群和B D農業社群的朋友,非營利組織社群和華德福青年世代的跨領域跨界行動故事交織之下,我們順利地完成了第13屆的問心台灣人智學研討會。
大會這次也邀請台灣空間動力平台張怡芬老師,為研討會帶領藝術工作坊和晨間活動,並再次邀請David Anderson老師帶領歌德式傾聽工作坊,我們在社群活動中透過球、遊戲、活動、舞蹈,也在社會性空間的傾聽鍛鍊中,經歷著靜與動、呼與吸、個人內在空間與外部空間和社會空間之間,幫助大家開創新的姿態和空間。
這次的團討時段,大會特別也開放給大會服務的青少年志工參與。在團討的發起場次中,青少年熱烈地發起多個討論題目,十六個發起議題最後協調整合成六個小組進行團討。此次團體討論設計,也感謝Stephen Kicey、明佑、怡芬和王慧宜參與團討工作小組,在會場催化與會成員彼此傾聽與對話。
大會最後回顧片段,感謝婉如排除萬難每日上線與我們同在,她勉勵此刻問心台灣的形變,就是要協助人智學社群和台灣社會找到吾,與其同行,並將靈性的記憶、靈性的覺察、靈性的凝視這三個練習運用在台灣身上,讓世界了解台灣。同時擔任大會觀察員的Stephen Kicey、徐明佑,也分享了他們對這屆問心台灣研討會的看見。多年來都有參與問心台灣的明佑老師回饋,問心台灣人智學研討會奠基於以台灣為主體的精神,從人智學的本質深入省思與提醒,與深入探問,讓與會者從共同前行中獲得靈性更新與滋養,並能收獲源源不絕的靈感。資深老師也是第二次參與研討會的Stephen老師,驚艷著研討會工作團隊和青年志工因應大會團體動能的彈性,隨時相互補位,展現高度參與動能和創造性,他反饋邁入第十三年的問心,似乎也有著青少年期的發展階段所展現的「健康的混亂」。
宜玲深深感謝多年來一直護持研討會的國內外朋友們,Paul Makay、Hans Mulder夫妻,婉如與佳龍,以及聯盟以來2017年以降全體會員與理監事的護持,特別更感謝海聲華德福團隊自2010年起自始至終無條件地工作與投入,這份真情與義氣,衷心難忘。我與工作團隊在今年2022年此時此刻暫時劃下句點。人智學的時代性精神邁開爾,對我們的啟示就是,就是「主動」,就是「去做」。期待未來三個領域華德福教育、BD農業、人智醫學的進階會員們,可以扛起責任進行溝通與協調,期待以台灣主體精神和人智學本質的深度對話與實踐為本,催化出新的形式與內涵,重啟時代精神。
秋天神清氣爽 創造力深深不絕
宜玲暨全體問心台灣工作團隊 敬上
Thank you for your participation in Asking the Soul of Taiwan- Anthroposophical Conference of Taiwan, ACT, to catalyze the next transformation.
Dear lecturers and friends,
I hope this email finds you well.
Thank you for your participation either online or offline this year. With the opening ceremony, HaiHsiann Waldorf alumni, Ching-Chieh, a G11 student, Chen-Hsiang and our teacher Chang -Lun Chiang performed The Foundation Stone Verse, a company with trombone music to open the prelude, which presented the inheritance through generations. With the chorus and accompaniment in the opening performance, we reviewed together the conference- song suite over the years, evoking the memories we created together all these years. With the intertwined stories of cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary activities of the anthroposophical medicine community, the Waldorf education community and the BD agricultural community, the non-profit organizations and the Waldorf youth generation, we successfully completed the 13th Anthroposophical Conference of Taiwan.
We continued to explore how to encounter the challenges of this age and the post-epidemic time. The theme of this year was therefore named “Responding to the Challenges of Our Time – How Can We Heal Ourselves and World by Walking Together”. In the introduction, sharing of the first day of the seminar, Mr. Paul Mackay led us to the point, the importance of walking with oneself and with the community in the post -epidemic era. He then gave a special lecture on the second day with the topic, Developing Leadership by Walking Together – Conversation on Taiwan Experiences. He pointed out, how to practice a spirit recalling, spirit awareness and spirit beholding in daily life, in order to develop the ability to create a better quality of inner dialogue within oneself, and furtherly expand from leading inner thinkers to the leading practice with the community together.
The next lecture, Chairman of Anthroposophical Organic Agriculture Development Association, Jian-Wang Wu reminded us to pragmatically engage in meaningful farming daily life to begin the journey with one step. Constant dropping wears away the stone. Dr. Che-Ming Ku returned to the embryonic process from the anthroposophical point of view to see the essence of life, and once again he led us to see how “threefoldness” and “four bodies” nurture human being in body, mind and spirit. It also maintains the secret of strengthening our own healing power. From the practice of art therapy, Teacher June Yu, she focused on the point that the material is inseparable from spirituality, spirituality cares for the material. Continuances working out on spirit beholding in daily life will grind us to maintain healthy of body, mind and spirit in the post-epidemic era.
In this conference, we further in-depth, explore the impactful methods for local practices to cooperate together, thus investigate the challenges and possibilities of practices in Taiwan. ChaoCuo Waldorf School, well-known for its farming, the farming teacher Jia-Lu Ho and Principal Hong-Bin Liao brought their experiences in building an applied botanical garden and promoting research on designing Sun Hive in the school lately. Impressively, the current practice of Sun Hive has reached local mass production and after-sales service is also available, providing access approaches for farmers and schools to take part in. It also incorporates AI technology and currently conducts Sun Hive constant temperature tracking system to collect climate data. One day, it may be able to transform into a reference basis for farmers.
We also invited Yi-Ying Lin, the Chairwoman of the Board of Plahan Symbiosis Care Labor Cooperative, to talk about how she went from the public sector, which coordinating the long-term care policy in Taichung to the local service, and then promoted the long-term care mutual aid network in Dajiaxi and Daanxi River Watershed. She then further advocated the Taiwanese long-term care cooperative alliance. The establishment of the alliance will promote the development indicators of the labor development cooperatives, so that the cooperatives can be more self-disciplined and optimized. Rui-Bin Chen, the Secretary General of the Environmental Information Association, who vows to protect 3% of Taiwan’s forests, oceans and wetlands, also shared with us the environmental trust foundation that is being prepared, giving the purpose of holding agricultural lands, and assisting and incubating more domestic environmental trust projects.
We also specially arranged social action session for youth, hoping to promote cross-generational dialogue. Ji-Shi Waldorf School alumnus, Yu-Sheng Wang reviewed his life history, and then extended it to how he explores and engage in self-talk with his soul. Now he has become a Waldorf teacher working with children with special needs. Yu-Xi Chang, a Hai Siann Waldorf School alumni, talked about her Gap Year. She worked as a caretaker in the Fellowship Community in New York. During working with the elderly with dementia, she was aware of her inner fears and then realized that the epidemic has also contributed to our awareness of the deep inner fear. Therefore, we have the opportunity to be overcome it. Gabriel Tsai, who just finished his Gap Year, also emphasized the importance of service with consciousness from the various social services he had done in Taiwan and abroad. From his service in St. Francis of Assisi Parochial Caritas at Barcelona, Spain, he saw the coexistence of good and evil. By leaving his hometown, he realized the appeal of the Pope Francis: “If you want to see the world as it is, you have to go to the very edge of human existence”.
Miracle Chien, the International Partnership Development Director Calls Over Ridges, who has accompanied many youths to go overseas for international services for 14 years. Through his online sharing, we saw that the ethos of volunteer service must be aware of our standpoint when entering the service field, to sense the invisible social boundary between local people and us. Through constant self-questioning, “What is me in their eyes?” and “What are they in my eyes? “This constant awareness could lead us to shift our mindset to situate in their situation. Empathy is the only way to get closer to the people we serve.
Anthroposophical medicine community partners also brought us a lot of valuable practical experiences. Dr. Yi-Chia Yeh, the Chairperson of TAMPHC, shared her breakthrough in her self-healing journey. She talked about how she was inspired by the nourishment she received from her self- healing. She applies anthroposophical medicine practice into accompanying children with Early Childhood Development Delay. Clinical Psychologist Kuei-Yen Li shared how he developed a common language with medical institutions, physicians, and occupational therapists in his clinical work, using the Anthroposophical Biography as a way of healing and companionship, connecting each other, in order to support adolescents and adults for trauma healing. Dr. Mei-Chuan Chang mentioned the current development of practical cooperation mechanisms that TAMPHC initiated for support Waldorf schools. In addition to actively supporting schools in promoting Child Study, it also provides opportunities for economically disadvantaged families to apply for Child Study.
This year, the conference also invited Teacher Yi-Fen Chang, Spatial Dynamics Teacher and Training Organizer, to lead art workshops and morning activities. We also once again invited Teacher David Anderson to facilitate the Goethean Conversation workshop. In social activities, in dance, games, activities, and in listening exercises about social spaces, we experienced to be between static and dynamic, inhaling and exhaling, personal inner space, outer space and social space. Thus, new gestures and space were created within us.
During group discussion sessions, the conference is especially open to young volunteers to participate. In the initiating session of the group discussion, the youths raised several questions. The 16 themes were launched, and then further coordinated and integrated into six-group discussions. Special thanks should go to Stephen Kicey, Ming-Yu Hsu, Yi-Fen Chang and Hui-I Wang for participating in the Group Discussion Facilitator Team in the preparation stage. They catalyzed the participants to engage in the venue.
Thanks to Patricia Liao for being with us every day, despite all difficulties. At Reflection and Convergence session at the end of the conference, she encouraged us to envision the transformation of the conference at this moment, that is, to help the Anthroposophical community in Taiwan and also Taiwan society to find “I”, and to walk together in order to work together. Through practice the three exercises (Spirit Recalling, Spirit Awareness and Spirit Beholding) in Taiwan, the world could know Taiwan better. Stephen Kicey and Ming-Yu Hsu, who served as the observers in the conference, showed us their observation. Ming-Yu, who has participated ACT for many years, shared his observations. The ACT probes in Taiwan and then reflect, remind and deeply inquire from the angle of the essence of Anthroposophy. Through that the participants got the renewal in spirituality and felt nourished and harvested endless inspirations.
Stephen Kicey, a senior Waldorf teacher who participated in ACT twice, he expressed his amazement at the flexibility of the workshop team and young volunteers to complement each other at any time in response to the momentum of the conference group. It showed a high degree of participation and creativity. “The conference itself is entering the 13th year, there is also the “healthy chaos” in a presence which exhibited quite similar like the developmental stages of adolescences.”
The young volunteers, from high school undertook multiple tasks. They were responsible for the off-site service, teatime performances, and charity sales booths. They also learned to integrate their service experiences with the writing course led by the Alumnus, Yu-Xi and co-facilitated by De-Shin and Ching-Chieh. During the break time of service work, these youths worked on writing by the lake not far from the conference venue, turning what they saw and thought during the service process into words. In addition to actively speaking in the group, the youths also engaged in contributing their viewpoints and presented their group reports. The attitude of youth that actively listened and expressed their ideas was very impressive. They actively suggested to run the discussion about the related themes in school with the similar conservation quality appeared in the group discussion.
The music night on the third night brought the seminar to its climax. Gabriel Tsai, after returning from social service in Spain, he embraced to the music he loves the most and contributed to this conference. He acted as the music coordinator for the first half of the music night. The music was performed by alumni from Hai Shiann, De-Shi, Cathy, Yu-Shuan, Cheng-Mao and high school students. Each alumnus had their opportunities to be the lead at different scenes, complementing with each other. The wonderful collaboration was shown. In the second half, De Xin led the main pop music team (with the support of Cathy, Yu-Shuan and Gabrial). It was a musical feast brought about cooperation and mutual affection. Seeing this group of young generations being able to help each other, accept each other, appreciate and praise each other, and give each other applause, the harmonious communication shows their attitude of life, and added warmth into the concert venue. This sharing of their gift of life delivered by music also infected all the adults and children.
Yi-Ling is deeply grateful to the friends both in Taiwan and abroad who have been supporting the conference for many years, Paul Makay, Hans Mulder and his wife Ineke Mulder, Patricia and Chia-lung, as well as all the members, directors and supervisors of the Taiwan Waldorf Education Movement Fe de-ration since 2017. I especially thank Hai Siann faculty who has worked and devoted unconditionally since 2010. This sincerity and loyalty will be unforgettable. The ACT work team and I put an end to this moment in 2022 this year. The epochal spirit of Anthroposophy, Michael, is the revelation to us, ” to take initiative” and “to take action”. Looking forward to the First-Class members of Waldorf education, BD agriculture, and anthroposophical medicine in the three fields can carry the responsibility to communicate and coordinate new form and connotation that represent the spirit of Taiwan and grounded in Anthroposophy. Anticipating the spirit of the times is restarted.
Wishing you a refreshed Autumn and never-ended creativity
Yi Ling and all the ACT working teams
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